Painter -
Oleg Solovyov

Painting, Oil Paintings, gouache and acrylic

Painting - this is one of the oldest arts in the land. For centuries artists have improved their skills, We are using new materials and new, create new styles, especially overlay smear ... And today, painting, Oil Paintings, gouache, acrylic I could not oust quality prints on canvas or paper, which allows you to get a picture quickly and cheaply. Therefore, more and more people want book art, pictures an experienced artist, which will create an exclusive solution for the interior, original and unusual gift for a colleague, business partner or loved one. Painting can also be original business move - for example,, pictures can decorate T-shirts, mugs and souvenirs, which will become a tool for profit.

What to Expect?

If you are looking for a presentable and innovative solutions for the business, or choose a gift to someone, and if you can not find the right pattern among the finished work, contact! Neatly, quickly and affordably priced to perform work of any complexity. Development of the sketch usually takes a few hours, at the same time I'll consider all your wishes and requirements. Therefore, the result, I offer, always original. You will receive an exclusive image, which can be used as, as you want! The main stages of:

1. Chosen material is primed, thoroughly dried (eg, Primed canvas or cardboard).
2. I have been studying facial features and figure of the sitter or image, at which the web will be created.
3. Coal aid I schedule a future subject of the picture, and then - underpainting, that is, the greatest areas of picture.
4. Then, using the selected material and tools (eg, oil and brush or palette knife) I create a picture, I pick colors and prescribe the details of paintings.

I am happy to perform the work for commercial use, interior decorations, Presenta, as well as student work. If desired, can wear out or draw a picture of it in a baguette frame.

Why do you like the results

Order tableau - it is always a great choice! I am a professional artist with a lot of practical experience, why cooperation has many advantages:

high quality of work;
according to your wishes (work style, draw level, desired format, features background, work material (acrylic, butter, gouache, etc.);
execution speed (average 2-3 day);
possibility of registration of paintings in a baguette;
picture can be ordered remotely;
If you plan to decorate the image of souvenirs, eg, T-shirts, I develop a project or translate an image into electronic form.

Contact - I always listen carefully to customer needs, to the minutest intricacies implement ideas!